Since 1997 the organization “Homöopathen ohne Grenzen” (HOG) has been providing worldwide on-site training programs in Classical Homoeopathy. As an independent non-profit organization, we offer humanitarian aid to countries affected by poverty, war and disasters. We work solely on request from these countries and conduct ourselves as guests in the country.
Doctors, alternative health practitioners and midwives teach according to the principles of Classical Homoeopathy. All members of HOG work as volunteers. Our guideline is “Help for self-help”: with a view to sustainability, we support building long-term structures on site. Thanks to a specially tailored teaching system our projects later function autonomously. The local persons responsible thereafter train independently.
The seven-member board of HOG is headed by Ralf Almasto Burmeister, the first chairperson. The organization currently has 370 members, with a growing trend. What has also grown is the professionalism during project development. This includes negotiations with local government authorities, planning of assignments and contact with cooperation partners within the country. The members of HOG meet twice a year on a weekend for general meetings.
Our projects
We currently have international projects in Bolivia, Ecuador, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Sarajevo in progress. Our first domestic project “Homoeopathy for Refugees in Germany” has also established itself: since 2015 around 280 committed colleagues from all parts of Germany have registered themselves in order to help refugees with homoeopathic treatment, all on voluntary basis.
Overview of the current projects 2024
Bolivia | Training and Supervision of students since 2010
Our objective: We are using uncommon methods for training and supervising our students. We regularly hold conferences via Skype, thus implementing smaller projects. The First-Aid Course in Prison that we conducted in San Pedro continues even today.
Ecuador | Training since 2012
Our objective: The work in Ecuador continues with a course about First Aid in Homoeopathy in the Rainforest. The focus is on “Cough, Bronchitis and Temperature”. In the “Intercambio”, participants from five different nationalities exchange their experiences about Traditions and medicinal plants. Homoeopathy is a good complementary option for the people in the rainforest. – in the sense of help for self-help. At present, we have received several requests for our help from different regions.
Kenya | Training as well as teaching by students since 2004
Our objective: a Kenyan Homoeopath and trained Midwife handles the Practice in Lamu independently. We support her via Skype and also supervise our students and midwives. This ensures that they can work independently using Homoeopathy in their respective hometowns. With the help of the jointly compiled workbook “Homeopathic First Aid”, they teach first-aid in homoeopathy in isolated regions.
Rwanda | Exploration trip in October 2018
Our objective: Through our first exploratory trip in October 2018, good opportunities opened up for a project. The primary aim of our work will be establishing Homeopathy in Rwanda along with the opportunity for homoeopathic treatment. At present, discussions are underway through our cooperation partners for approval of Homeopathy in Rwanda. The Health Ministry now needs to set the official course for the project.
Sarajevo | Training and Teacher Training as well as teaching by trainees since 2013
Our objective: The situation in the country has unfortunately not improved for the better. A new law hinders Classical Homeopathic training in schools. From 2019, HOG and the Bosnian partner organization “Aude Sapere” are reconstructing the Continued Education trainings in Homeopathy. Instead they offer aspiring trainees short courses in treatment of acute disease.
Sierra Leone | Emergency Aid and Training since 2010
Our objective: We conduct First Aid Training for Health Workers, who spread awareness about Hygiene and Prophylaxis to the most remote regions and ensure basic medical care. Our cooperation partner EAFA supports this idea. The local health authorities have also given us the green signal. We are contributing our bit so that life can slowly stabilize in Sierra Leone after the Ebola crisis.
“Homoeopathy for Refugees in Germany” | Humanitarian aid for refugees in distress with a focus on trauma since 2015
Our objective: With the first humanitarian domestic project HOG has broken new grounds in collaboration with HiA (Homöopathie in Aktion) since 2015: since then more than 280 colleagues are helping “in their own backyard“. In 2019, the focus is also networking and the exchange of experiences of all the individuals involved, because there is constantly great demand for help.
The most successfully completed projects of HOG are:
Mostar | 1997-2000 | Emergency Aid and Training
Bosnia | 2001-2004 | Training
Honduras | 2002-2005 | Training
Togo | 1998-2006 | Training
Macedonia | 2001-2006 | Training
Sri Lanka | 2005-2013 | Emergency Aid and Training
Bam / Iran | 2004-2007 | Emergency Aid
Humanitarian aid needs donations and people who can actively contribute. Our collaborators on site work on voluntary basis, however, we urgently need money for travelling, materials and the Organization. Your donation is used where aid is most vitally needed. Project-related donations are welcome for our current foreign projects in Bolivia, Ecuador Kenya, Sierra Leone and Sarajevo as well as for the domestic project “Homoeopathy for Refugees in Germany”.
Donations account
Homöopathen ohne Grenzen • BIC: BFSWDE33HAN • IBAN: DE75 2512 0510 0009 4368 00
Office Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e.V. • Grindelhof 48 • 20146 Hamburg
Phone 040 – 43 27 47 02 • Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
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